OSIS is a non-profit technology services organization dedicated to providing expert NextGen Healthcare technology assistance exclusively to Community Health Centers around the country.
The Keys to Quality (K2Q) HCCN consists of 12 participating health centers serving a large, diverse, low-income population. In many ways, this diverse network of PHC members is reflective of the HRSA Bureau of Primary Care Health Center Program as a whole. PHCs hail from several states, make use of multiple EHR platforms, and serve primarily low-income populations, often including special populations. Unique aspects of PHC membership include co-applicant status, academic health centers, and nurse-led health centers. The K2Q HCCN is administered by the National Nurse-Led Care Consortium. The mission of the K2Q HCCN is to strengthen the health IT and quality improvement capacity of participating health centers through individualized and peer technical assistance and internal capacity building.