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Health Center Partners


Health Center Partners of Southern California (HCP) is a regional primary care association established in 1977 to optimize clinical, financial, and operational outcomes among its 16-member organizations including FQHCs, Tribal Health Programs, and Planned Parenthood of the Pacific Southwest. During 2022 HCP’s members collectively served 658,020 patients, in 2.8 million patient visits, at 176 practice sites across San Diego, Riverside, and Imperial counties, with the fifth largest provider group in the region. The ten FQHCs that comprise HCP’s Health Center Controlled Network leveraged health information technology and data to deliver high-quality, culturally competent, equitable, and comprehensive primary health care to more than 400,000 patients in 2022. HCP’s mission is to be the thought leader and innovative influencer of change in the health care marketplace, informing and inspiring its members and partners to enrich the patient experience and improve the human condition.

Year Founded:


# of Member Centers:


Stand-alone or PCA:


PHC Locations:


Primary Contact

Nicole Howard
Executive Vice President
Send an email

Secondary Contact

None listed.

Electronic Health Record Systems

EHR Contact

None listed.

(Used by less than half of the member centers)

PHC Support

Support offered to member clinics for the following EHR-related services:

  • None offered at this time
External Support

Support offered to other HCCNs for the following EHR-related services:

  • None offered at this time

(Used by less than half of the member centers)

PHC Support

Support offered to member clinics for the following EHR-related services:

  • None offered at this time
External Support

Support offered to other HCCNs for the following EHR-related services:

  • None offered at this time

(Used by less than half of the member centers)

PHC Support

Support offered to member clinics for the following EHR-related services:

  • None offered at this time
External Support

Support offered to other HCCNs for the following EHR-related services:

  • None offered at this time

(Used by less than half of the member centers)

PHC Support

Support offered to member clinics for the following EHR-related services:

  • None offered at this time
External Support

Support offered to other HCCNs for the following EHR-related services:

  • None offered at this time

(Used by less than half of the member centers)

PHC Support

Support offered to member clinics for the following EHR-related services:

  • None offered at this time
External Support

Support offered to other HCCNs for the following EHR-related services:

  • None offered at this time

(Used by less than half of the member centers)

PHC Support

Support offered to member clinics for the following EHR-related services:

  • None offered at this time
External Support

Support offered to other HCCNs for the following EHR-related services:

  • None offered at this time

(Used by less than half of the member centers)

PHC Support

Support offered to member clinics for the following EHR-related services:

  • None offered at this time
External Support

Support offered to other HCCNs for the following EHR-related services:

  • None offered at this time

(Used by less than half of the member centers)

PHC Support

Support offered to member clinics for the following EHR-related services:

  • None offered at this time
External Support

Support offered to other HCCNs for the following EHR-related services:

  • None offered at this time

Population Health Management Systems

PHM Contact

Sarah Cho
Send an email
Office: 619-542-4307

(Used by less than half of the member centers)

PHC Support

Support offered to member clinics for the following PHM-related services:

  • General Support
  • None offered at this time
External Support

Support offered to other HCCNs for the following PHM-related services:

  • General Support
  • None offered at this time

(Used by more than half of the member centers)

PHC Support

Support offered to member clinics for the following PHM-related services:

  • General Support
  • None offered at this time
External Support

Support offered to other HCCNs for the following PHM-related services:

  • General Support
  • None offered at this time

Electronic Dental Record Systems

EDR Contact

None listed.

None offered at this time

Electronic Behavioral Health Record Systems

EBHR Contact

None listed.

None offered at this time

IT Services

IT Contact

None listed

To change support (to remove or add from PHC or External Support), DELETE the service and re-add it with the correct support option(s).

PHC Support

Support offered to member clinics for IT-related services

None offered at this time

External Support

Support offered to other HCCNs for IT-related services

None offered at this time

Other Support Services

None listed

To change support (to remove or add from PHC or External Support), DELETE the service and re-add it with the correct support option(s).

PHC Support

Support offered to member clinics for the following services:

None offered at this time

External Support

Support offered to other HCCNs for the following services:

None offered at this time

Virtual Healthcare

VH Contact

None listed


The majority of our health centers are currently reimbursed for:
  • Virtual visits via video technology
  • Virtual visits via phone
  • None offered at this time

None offered at this time

Practice Transformation and Quality Improvement Services


None listed
Moderate Experience

We have moderate experience in training, technical assistance, support and/or resources for these services:

None offered at this time

Advanced Experience

We have advanced experience in training, technical assistance, support and/or resources for these services:

None offered at this time

This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of an award totaling $6,375,000 with 0 percentage financed with non-governmental sources. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by HRSA, HHS, or the U.S. Government. For more information, please visit HRSA.gov.

This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of an award totaling $6,625,000 with 0 percentage financed with non-governmental sources. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by HRSA, HHS, or the U.S. Government. For more information, please visit HRSA.gov.